5 ideas for keeping kids active this summer

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https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.jsNew research shows parents are anxious children will choose electronic gadgets over swimming at the expense of their health

WASHINGTON, DC — A new Mason-Dixon survey, conducted for the Water quality and health Council, found that parents are alarmed at the amount of time children spend on electronic devices at the expense of physical activities like swimming.  But experts say parents can help their children strike a balance.The survey found that 94 percent of parents are anxious their children are choosing electronic devices over a lot more active pursuits, like swimming.  And 93 percent are concerned about the health implications of spending too much time on electronic devices instead of swimming.“Parents are ideal to be concerned – there are real physical and social consequences from lack of exercise, including the well-documented problem of childhood obesity,” said Dr. Ralph Morris, physician and member of the Water quality and health Council.  “But the good news is that parents are influential.  They can work with their children to strike a balance this summer.”

There is hope:  The survey also found that 84 percent of parents would like to see their children swim a lot more often and 88 percent reported having access to a swimming pool.  Most parents said their children can swim, including 78 percent of 7 and 8-year-olds, and 89 percent of 9, 10 and 11-year-olds.Morris discussed the issue as part of a panel with Chris Wiant, Ph.D., chair of the Water quality and health Council, and used ideas to parents to help get their children a lot more active this summer.  

While preaching to kids doesn’t necessarily work, Morris and Wiant said parents can promote a balance by:Discussing with your children the health consequences of spending too much time on electronic devices at the expense of a lot more physical pursuits, such as swimming.  If children know that sedentary activities have real health impacts, even for children, they may be a lot more motivated to get moving. 

Have a family meeting to decide together what the ideal mix of time is for your family on electronic devices versus swimming and other outdoor activities.  Morris said the crucial is setting goals as a family, and making kids part of the decision-making process.

Ask your children if they would swim a lot more if you made a commitment to get them to a pool on a regular basis.  You may be shocked at how readily your children will unplug if given the chance to swim.

Express your interest in spending face-to-face time with your children.  Too much time on electronic devices can be socially isolating.  Letting your children know that you are also ready to turn off the computer, smart phone and television to have fun with them is an crucial idea to share.

Locate the municipal or community pool in your area, find out the hours of operation and build in time to get there with your children.

As part of its award winning summer healthy Pools awareness initiative, the Council is making complimentary pool test kits available to the public. Additionally, a podcast sharing a discussion with a panel of experts is available online. To buy a kit or listen in on the discussion, go to www.healthypools.org.

“Swimming is not only an all-American way to have fun, swimming is a good form of physical activity. Two-and-a-half hours of water-based (or other forms of) physical activity per week has health benefits across a lifetime,” added Michele Hlavsa, chief of the Centers for disease control and Prevention’s healthy Swimming Program.When asked to prioritize the health benefits of swimming, parents credited swimming with improving children’s cardiovascular health followed by boosting strength and flexibility, developing motor skills, managing weight and managing asthma symptoms. In addition to the 93 percent of parents who are concerned about the health implications of spending too much time on electronic devices instead of swimming, 86 percent are concerned about the impact on children’s social skills. “Parents are clearly anxious that children may be missing out on the health benefits of swimming,” said Thomas M. Lachocki, Ph.D., CEO of the national Swimming pool Foundation. “Water activities are special considering that they are great for children, parents and grandparents. What a great way for generations to connect! It is certainly healthier than having the kids fiddling with controllers and adults fidgeting in recliners.”One in four respondents did not know that swimming in a well-maintained pool with a proper chlorine level and pH is a healthy activity for children with asthma.  More than half of respondents did not know that a well-maintained pool can minimize the risk of swimming-related ear infections and 23 percent did not know that a well-maintained pool can help minimize the risk of developing diarrhea from waterborne germs.

Given a range of choices, a lot more parents chose “the smell of chlorine” as their strongest sensory summertime swimming pool memory but today’s children could be forming a lot more battery-powered summertime memories.“The sights, sounds and smells of summer are real, not virtual,” said Chris Wiant, Ph.D., Chair of the Water quality and health Council. “For children, the distractions of electronic devices are proving to be hard competition for a lot more physical activities like swimming.  But it’s clear from this survey that parents want their children to power off and dive in.”To learn a lot more about the Water quality and health Council and its efforts to raise awareness of the value of disinfection for public health, please visit www.waterandhealth.org.The survey was conducted of 1,000 adults with at least one child between the ages of 5 and 14 nationwide.  The survey was conducted by telephone, including both landlines and cell phones, from may 2 through may 9, 2013 by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, Inc.  The margin for error on the national results is +/-3.2%.

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WHAT TO know about MUCUS plug LOSS early IN pregnancy

There are so lots of different rumors and old wives’ tales that pregnant women are told about the mucus plug. We’re here to break down what the loss of your mucus plug early in your pregnancy really means.

Mucus plug Loss early in Pregnancy

What is the Mucus Plug?

Alright, some of you might be wondering what a mucus plug even is, so we will start there. Its purpose is to keep bacteria from entering your cervix in the early stages of pregnancy, serving as a great little barrier of protection.

As your body prepares for impending labor, your cervix releases its tight hold on the plug. When this happens it can either come out as one whole piece or slowly in small pieces.

How to know if You Are losing Your Mucus Plug

If you’re wondering what the mucus plug looks like, it is similar to the consistency of egg whites and might be clear, yellow, or brownish.

When you think your mucus plug has discharged, make sure to speak to your doctor about it and they can work through why it might be happening or if labor is possibly near.

With this being said you don’t need to be too alarmed if you have a mucus plug loss early in your pregnancy. There are plenty of cases in which a mucus plug is lost early on and the pregnancy still makes it full term. Something really outstanding about the mucus plug is that if you lose it early, your outstanding mama body can actually form a new one!

Important signs to call Your Doctor

When the loss of a mucus plug is accompanied by bleeding over 2 tablespoons, contact your doctor.
If you’ve gone into premature labor with a previous pregnancy, make sure to let your doctor know when you think you’ve lost your mucus plug.
After you’ve lost your mucus plug, if you are cramping or if you believe your water has broken you also need to contact your doctor.

Mucus plug Loss & early pregnancy

The normal time to lose your mucus plug is around 37 weeks, so anything before that is considered an early loss of the mucus plug. Do keep in mind, though, even losing it at 37 weeks might indicate labor is still weeks away. The only reason mucus plug loss indicates labor is because losing your mucus plug normally indicates your cervix is opening because it is dilating.

Many times an early loss of the mucus plug is actually caused by a cervical exam because it becomes dislodged. another cause can be sexual intercourse. So the basic conclusion is this; don’t get too worked up over losing your mucus plug at less than 36 weeks, just make sure to give your doctor a call so they can take the proper steps to make sure everything is progressing as it should.

Mucus plug Loss in early Pregnancy- Pin for Later!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you lose your mucus plug in the first trimester?

You can lose your mucus plug at any time. A new mucus plug may regenerate in your cervix.

What happens if you lose mucus plug early?

Losing your mucus plug may indicate you are going into labor soon, but it may have just got dislodged during an exam or intercourse. Make sure to talk with your doctor, but it doesn’t necessarily indicate anything is happening.

This site uses affiliate links, however, all recommendations are genuinely our own. As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases. All recommendations given is strictly from mommies and our past experiences and education. We are just mommies and not doctors, thus our opinions must not be taken as direct medical advice. always seek advice from your doctor beforehand.

You’ll never assumption What occurred to Me On An Airplane

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As the airplane took off, I turned my back as well as stared out the window, book in hand. That was airplane language for “Don’t bother me.”

I’d organized to utilize the time on the airplane to write.

Evidently, the lady next to me didn’t speak airplane. She started speaking to me.

I didn’t want to motivate her by showing any type of interest. I kept staring out the window, hoping she’d get the message. She didn’t.

Once the flight attendant revealed we might utilize our computers, I yanked mine from under the seat , put it on my tray table, flipped it open as well as began typing. I wished to get my thoughts down before I failed to remember them.

“Where are you going”? she leaned over as well as asked.

I stared directly ahead as well as provided her a one word answer.


“Do you have children?”

“Yes,” I said, not volunteering more. I continued to gaze directly ahead, while typing an post about compassion, rejection, as well as shame.

“How many?”


This lady was not getting the message or perhaps she was since she sat quietly for a minute fiddling with a tissue in her hands.

I continued typing. I understood I was being rude, however I wished to get the post about compassion, rejection as well as pity completed before we landed. however I might feel her staring at me.

The air was expecting with one more question. I sighed, saved my notes on compassion, rejection as well as shame, as well as closed my computer. I dealt with her, required a smile as well as asked, “Do you have children?”

I figured I may also provide it up. I wasn’t going to get anything done.

A kind word released the flood waters from her heart. She began to tell me the tale of her life. Not surfacey, polite airplane type of stuff. Real, difficult unpleasant type of stuff. She was clearly struggling. She’d had two failed marriages, neither one by fault of her own.

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Her second one had just recently ended. Her adult children had lives of their own as well as resided in different cities. She was in a great deal of pain, grappling to understand. She understood Christ; she believed in His goodness. She believed whatever occurs according to His plan, however she didn’t comprehend it. Over the next hour, she shared her hurts, shame, as well as rejection surrounding her marriages.

As I listened, I asked silently, “Lord, she’s already a Christian. Why are you making me speak to her when I might be composing articles to assist lots of women? She already understands about you.”

Finally she conceded, “I question what it would be like if I wasn’t even here. I question if any individual would notice.”

I stared at her. A thousand thoughts scrambled with my brain. Was she believing about suicide?

Then she began to weep. God carefully assisted me down off my high equine as well as reminded me: Look, you haven’t experienced what this lady is going through, however you’ve experienced pity as well as rejection. You’ve felt hopeless. You’ve needed compassion. You understand what it’s like to be in a difficult place. I put you right here for this woman. I’d rather you spend this time around with her than composing a hundred articles for other people.”

Live it, don’t compose about it.

“You do matter,” I began, gingerly at very first since I felt like such a hypocrite.

I told her I understand what it’s like to be in a difficult place. I definitely comprehend the sting of rejection. Then I shut up as well as listened with empathy:

I used my ear

I avoided using solutions

I avoided telling her what I would’ve done

I avoided using advice

I maintained eye contact

I didn’t criticize her decisions

I used support in her pain

I empathized-understood, shared her pain

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I sat there as well as began to accept my function as empathy in this woman’s life. I served as a tip of God’s presence. He feels her pain, as well as He’s counting every tear.

He put me there to reassure her she’s liked as well as to remind her of all that’s great in her life. I asked her what she believed the world would be like if she were not here.

People’s lives would be full of  holes only she might fill: mother, grandmother, daughter, friend.

The airplane landed, as well as she began to deplane, I reached over as well as hugged her. I put my hands on her shoulders as well as looked into her eyes as well as said, “You are loved.”

She thanked me for listening. She stated she didn’t understand why she’d told me such personal details of her life. “This was a God thing,” she said. “I could’ve sat anywhere on the plane, however I ended up next to you.”

How lots of chances have I missed since I was focused on a what I wished to do for God instead of what He desired me do? exactly how much fruit has died on the vine since I failed to water it with my disobedience?

I believed of Matthew 25:23: which tells me if I am faithful in the little things only then will God provide me more.

No,  I thought, this was no accident. God put her right here next to me. She needed compassion, as well as I needed a lesson in being faithful with who God has put next to me.

Who has God put next to you?

Sheila Qualls is a former private journalist as well as editor for the U.S. Army’s award-winning newspaper, The Cannoneer. Sheila is now a stay-at-home mom, speaker as well as writer. Sheila composes from the experience of 30 years of marriage, five kids, homeschooling, 10 business moves, two dogs as well as a ferret. (May they rest in peace.) She inspires women by providing them a view into her world with a window of humor as well as transparency, one uncomfortable moment at a time. She assists women navigate life’s emotional twists as well as turns so they can be the authentic women God called them to be. You can comply with her on Facebook or on her blog at http://www.sheilaqualls.com.

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Is Your child A “Carb-etarian”?

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It is commonly believed that a vegetarian diet is a healthy diet. and that is usually true, but not always. consider the mother who recently told me that her child had decided to become a vegetarian. As she described his diet, I realized that he did not eat a single fruit or vegetable! Isn’t that a fundamental part of being a vegetarian? more and more, however, young vegetarians are turning into “carb-etarians”, eating few fruits and vegetables and opting for starches, such as pasta, pizza, and French fries. Clearly, this sort of diet is in no way healthy.

There are many ways in which eating a true vegetarian diet (complete with fruits, vegetables, and plant-based proteins) can benefit your health. Dairy foods and certain animal products, like beef, tend to be high in saturated fat and cholesterol; limiting or eliminating these foods from your diet is a terrific way to cut back on these “bad” fats. However, people who choose to adopt a vegetarian way of life tend to make up these calories by eating more carbohydrates like breads, rice, pastas and other starches. While your LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) can be greatly reduced from switching to vegetarianism, a diet too high in carbohydrates can actually result in elevated triglyceride levels. Triglycerides contribute to total cholesterol levels, both of which are risk factors for heart disease.The foundation of any healthy diet is one with balance, variety and moderation. eating a wide range of foods ensures that you will get all of the nutrients your body requires. So while adopting vegetarianism can be part of a healthy lifestyle, it is important to choose your foods carefully. Relying solely on carbohydrates for nourishment is not healthy. Dietary protein is important for maintaining your immune system and for building and repairing your body tissues. Vegetarians need to eat the proper amount of plant-based protein each day.

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Meats, fish, eggs and poultry are the most “complete” sources of vital amino acids, the protein building blocks that the body can’t make on its own. other foods do contain protein but are usually “incomplete” sources of amino acids, meaning they have some, but not all, of the amino acids needed to make proteins. Vegetarians can ensure that they are getting all of the vital amino acids by combining foods, such as whole grains with nuts or legumes. For example, whole wheat bread with peanut butter, or rice and beans. These foods don’t necessarily have to be eaten at the same meal; as long as you are having these foods throughout the day, the body is able to “pool” amino acids and save them to form body protein later on.

It is very possible to consume a vegetarian diet that has only plant-based proteins and is still nutritionally balanced. In fact, this type of diet can greatly reduce your risk for heart disease, stroke and certain cancers. Diets rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, peas and lentils are full of fiber and antioxidants, which decrease your risk for certain cancers and heart disease. In addition to making you feel full and satisfied, dietary fiber can lower serum cholesterol levels and improve colon health.

The heart-healthy benefits that can be gained from switching to vegetarianism are not solely dependent on the foods you eliminate from your diet. What you include in your diet is also important. The bottom line is that vegetarians must eat fruit, vegetables, and plant-based proteins.

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Obesity: how expanding Waistbands are Weighing us Down

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By Rosie Percy

The majority of adults in America are suffering with their weight. According to the CDC,  35.7% of adults and 17% of children now overweight or obese. 

What causes obesity?

Obesity is quite simply caused by eating too much and doing too little. If you eat in excess of your daily calorie allowance (2,500 for an active man, and 2,000 for an active woman) and do not exercise to burn off the additional intake, the extra energy consumed will be stored in your body as fat cells.

Often people may not understand the calorie intake of food, so do not realise that they have reached or even exceeded their daily limit. however there are certain types of food that consist of a very large amount of calories that you may not be aware of. For example just one meal consisting of a burger, fries and a milkshake can add up to 1,500 calories. Alcohol is also a culprit for hidden calories; 2 large glasses of white white wine will supply a woman with 20% of her daily calorie intake.

Eating the wrong types of food can also cause becoming overweight. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is recommended to eat a balanced diet consisting of fruit, vegetables, protein and unrefined carbohydrates. Oily fish such as mackerel also supplies terrific levels of the fatty acid Omega 3, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

Photo courtesy of trenttsd

Calorie-ignorance is not the only reason behind obesity – some individuals may binge on unhealthy food as a way of making themselves temporarily feel better. This is an eating disorder developed as a method of handling emotions such as anger, boredom or anxiety. It is estimated that 50% of binge eaters have suffered from depression at some point in their lives.

What are the effects of obesity?

Obesity increases your risk of developing heart, liver and kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma and some types of cancer. mental health is also a worry for people suffering with obesity, as being overweight increases their risk to develop depression, anxiety and low confidence.

Carrying excess weight can also be detrimental to your personal life by affecting your ability to find and maintain work, your sex life and even your physical ability to complete everyday tasks. Obese women are also a lot more likely to experience problems during pregnancy, such as the potentially hazardous condition pre-eclampsia, where blood pressure increases rapidly.

It is estimated that 1 in every 16 deaths is related to obesity – this accounts for up to 35,000 deaths each year.

What are the treatments for obesity?

The a lot of straightforward treatment for obesity is to exercise and eat well. The government wants to see a downward trend in the amount of adults with excess weight and a sustained decrease in obesity in children within the next 7 years, and have implemented several schemes to achieve this. These schemes include the popular televised “Change4Life” campaign which supplies recommendations on healthy eating and keeping fit. Food labelling will also be made clearer, to make sure that people are able to make an informed choice to eat better.

However some people struggling with their eating routines may require additional help to get on the ideal track to a healthy lifestyle. For example, those battling an eating disorder may require cognitive behavioural therapy to help change their attitude towards foodbefore they can successfully lose weight.

Rosie Percy writes about a range of topics and for a large variety of industries including education, health and business. If you are suffering with an eating disorder or know someone who is, and would like a lot more information on what help is available, check out scientific partners treatment for eating disorders.

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check out this Pottery Barn Glider review of one of our absolute favorite chairs!

Photo through Pottery Barn

Setting up a new nursery is a fun and exciting time but can be so overwhelming with all the decisions and options out there. one of the most essential items to invest in for a new baby is a high-quality, comfortable nursery glider. The Paxton Swivel Glider & Recliner checks all the boxes for us. It’s modern, durable, safe, and offers the supreme comfort giving you and your baby the best seat in the house to feed and bond. With the touch of a button, it gently and silently reclines. The swivel and glide feature also supports you in gently soothing your baby to sleep with noiseless movement.

It’s essential for parents to get as much rest as possible when they have a newborn at home, and this chair allows you to unwind and squeeze in a little time for yourself. It even has a USB outlet to charge up your devices while you rest. 

Pottery Barn is known for high-quality craftsmanship and the Paxton Swivel Glider & Recliner is built to last. Plus, it is GREENGUARD Gold certified which implies this glider meets or exceeds stringent chemical emissions standards making it a safe choice for your baby. It’s worth investing in the performance fabric option that is known for being very stain-resistant and resilient enough to endure years of use. 


Photo through Pottery Barn

WHY WE love IT

It’s durable, comfortable, and stylish. 
It’s a cozy, modern spot to soothe little ones.
Swivels, glides and reclines smoothly.
Wrapped cushions for around-the-clock support.
GREENGUARD Gold Certified 

It’s far from your average-looking recliner. The square arms give it a clean trendy look to level up even the most modern style nursery. It swivels 240° and has 3 recline positions: sitting, reading, and fully reclining for when you need to snooze in the baby’s room. 

Photo through Pottery Barn

A variety OF OPTIONS

There are a variety of fabric and colors options to customize to make it personal for your space. There are a couple options that are typically in-stock and ready to ship if you need it delivered quickly:

Brushed Crossweave: Finely textured weave that’s brushed for an incredibly soft touch. Woven yarn in varying tones creates subtle highs and lows. (Ships 3-5 weeks)
Basketweave Slub: Richly textured, this durable, tight basketweave has a heathered appearance and is suitable for high-traffic use

Photo through Pottery Barn

These options are typically 10+ weeks before delivery, so purchase asap to have in time for the baby:

Brushed Boucle: Boucle-like fabric that is brushed for softness and a light texture.Boucle-like fabric that is brushed for softness and a light texture.
Brushed Chenille: With a subtle brushed texture and hint of shine, this versatile fabric is suitable for high traffic use.
Brushed Crossweave: Finely textured weave that’s brushed for an incredibly soft touch. Woven yarn in varying tones creates subtle highs and lows.

Chenille plain Weave: An ultra soft cotton blend woven from recycled yarns.
Chenille Tweed: With its subtle texture, muted color variation and hint of shine, this versatile fabric is suitable for high-traffic use
Classic plain Weave: An ultra soft cotton blend woven from recycled yarns.
Classic Twill: A classic, woven solid with beautifully soft texture.

Distressed Velvet: A brushed velvet with noteworthy texture and subtle shine
Linen Blend: A classic, woven solid that feels luxurious and soft.
Performance Boucle: Richly textured, nubby fabric made from curled fibers that’s cozy, resilient and easy to clean.
Performance everyday Velvet: A long-wearing, high-performance velvet with a soft, plush pile for a luxurious feeling fabric that’s easy to clean.
Performance Heathered Basketweave: A soft, textured fabric that weaves together thick and thin tonal yarns and offers the durability of performance materials.

Depending on what fabric you want identifies the price (ranging between $999 – $1,499) and how long it takes to deliver the chair to you. This recliner comes in both manual and power recline options but with the power option you will be paying a bit more. The fabric options are all resilient and can be spot cleaned using regular upholstery cleaner or soap and water. 


Pottery Barn has e a firm commitment to safety and quality. You can count on that you are investing in a quality chair crafted from solid, durable pinewood for durability.

If you purchase the power option, there is a three-year warranty on the electrical faceplates, power lines, and motors. 


Photo through Pottery Barn

The short answer, YES. especially if you are planning on having much more than one child, the Paxton Swivel Glider & Recliner is built to last! The amount of time you will spend in the chair makes it worth every penny in our opinion, and if having a chair that fits your style is essential to you, this chair is a must. We hope this information helped you narrow down your options and choose the best chair for you! 

Photo through Pottery Barn

This chair tops our list of best nursery gliders for a reason. It is ultra-comfortable and is resilient enough to last for years (meaning you can use it for multiple babies!). 

Shop the Paxton Swivel Glider and Recliner here!

Pin this review of the Paxton Swivel Glider & Recliner for Later!

About the Author

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are gliders or rockers better?

Rockers have a stronger back and forth movement, where Gliders are smoother and on a fixed track. Gliders are the best option for a nursery where you will be spending an extended period of time feeding and soothing your baby.

What is the most comfortable glider rocker?


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#WordlessWednesday on a Tuesday – A pretty face

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Usually she makes silly faces when we take her picture. this time she smiled nicely.  Do your kids smile great for the cam or make silly faces?

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TECH TUESDAY: utilize AN app TO save youngster ART

My kindergartner is the most prolific artist in the house. enable me to present to you five from his recent series of monsters as well as beasts (incredibly adorable up until you recognize that they’re all holding weapons as well as shooting poison from their spiky appendages).

I truly like all most of what he produces however I can’t potentially store all his artwork. I mean, really, we only have so much wall as well as shelf space.

Enter the youngster art storage app!

I started utilizing Artkive to handle our ever-growing art collection earlier this year at the suggestion of CoolMomTech. It truly works for me. I photograph each drawing right into the app as well as then categorize it by artist, schoolyear, as well as date. From there, I can make custom digital or printed albums. It likewise lets me share among circles of his interested art fans.

I’m already grateful to have a location to put wonderful bit recyclables such as this young child masterpiece from Sawyer; I may feel nostalgic for it if I tossed it out.

Wait. Is that upside-down?

I have heard of other apps worth trying out: Art My youngster Made (check out this evaluation on cnet) as well as Evernote (which I hear does whatever however I haven’t figured it out yet), however I’m quite satisfied with the features on Artkive.

Find ArtKive for free on iTunes.

What’s your strategy for saving as well as organizing youngster art? I’ll share some non-app concepts in one more post.

THE contemporary MAMA’S guide TO THANKSGIVING

It’s the very best time of the year… the holiday season! While many of us like potatoes, rolls, as well as grandma’s pumpkin pie, Thanksgiving frequently falls behind Halloween as well as Christmas in terms of being the favorite. Not to mention, the history of Thanksgiving is frequently glossed over as well as inaccurately portrayed. below are some methods to make Thanksgiving fun + instruct your bit one some history.

How to Talk about Thanksgiving with Your Child

To state the least, Thanksgiving has a challenging history. It seems insufficient as well as unfair to just serve up our preferred dishes as well as make hand turkeys as well as phone call it good. Not to mention, the oversimplified story that all of us concerned understand as youngsters in our first-grade class needs much more than just a few tweaks. So, what can you do to make sure your bit one is introduced to a much more precise version of history?

Keep in mind, these lessons are going to vary greatly depending upon age from toddlerhood with elementary institution however we believe it is never as well early to begin talking about subjects such as this with your bit one!

Focus on Gratefulness

Photo by Chrissy Powers

Thanksgiving in America is generally connected to the story of the pilgrims landing in Plymouth rock as well as surviving their very first severe winter. However, there are other countries that celebrate Thanksgiving holidays as well as instead focus on providing thanks for all that they have. You can quickly switch out the conventional American Thanksgiving as well as instead focus on thankfulness.

Don’t Leave Out native American history

Native American culture is rich, beautiful, as well as essential to discover about. However, it is likewise essential to discover about the much more unpleasant side of their history. The Wampanoag tribe (the native people who lived at Plymouth Rock) dealt with brutal colonization when the pilgrims arrived.

Of course, it’s as much as your discretion as a parent exactly how you introduce this history as well as when. however we believe it is incredibly essential you talk about the native people’s experience with the pilgrims accurately.

If you are searching for some suggestions on exactly how to have these discussions as well as inform yourself, inspect this short article out from Today.

Read Together

There are tons of lovable Thanksgiving books available for toddlers. right here are our favorites:

Llama Llama provides Thanks
I Am Thankful
Peyton picks the ideal Pie
Apple Cake: A Gratitude
Sleep tight farm

As your kid gets older, the books may focus a bit much more on the “history” of Thanksgiving. We suggest speaking with them about myth vs. history. much of what we hear about the very first Thanksgiving event in America is just folklore as well as leaves out a great deal of what was really happening between native people as well as the recently shown up pilgrims. below are 2 books that do a fantastic task of being accurate!

Squanto’s Journey: The story of the very first Thanksgiving
Giving Thanks: A native American great morning Message
The extremely very first Americans

We suggest you always checked out the books very first as well as make sure they are providing factual & suitable information.

Look at the huge Picture

A great deal of times as parents, we overcomplicate things in our heads. If you feel lost on where to start, we suggest just asking your kid questions. What do they understand about Thanksgiving? What do they believe about it?

You may be amazed by what you hear, even from a toddler! They have numerous different influences coming from around as well as seeing where they stand will assist open doors to guide the discussion exactly how you would like.

Keep in mind, these are conversations that can as well as ought to be brought up much more than just one week a year. It’s essential to assist your kid comprehend native people still deal with injustice today. talking about present events as well as history with our kids empowers them to be world changers. We might utilize some much more of those!

Fun autumn & Thanksgiving Crafts to instruct Thankfulness

Photo by pleased young child Playtime

Below are some crafts that you can do together that motivate thankfulness as well as great discussions!

Potato Masher Corn Craft: native Americans did grow as well as eat corn. You can speak with your bit one about exactly how they grew the corn as well as taught settlers to do the same.
A Thanksgiving Tree: who stated trees are just for Christmas? This is an lovable method to motivate kids to believe about what they are grateful for.
I am Thankful for A-Z: This printout will assist you as well as your bit one brainstorm whatever you are thankful for… most likely including some goofy concepts for letters like X as well as Q!
Corn Painting: painting with corn is like finger painting, only much more fun! It may get a bit untidy however it is a fantastic method to make memories with your bit one.
Thankful Pie: This craft is fun & easy. Your bit one will like to spin the wheel around to expose their different reasons for being thankful.

How will you be costs Thanksgiving this year? let us understand in the comments!

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