English Easter was a cheerful affair here (Greek Easter was the following weekend but we celebrated it as one) hot footing it to Manchester lapping up that gorgeously hot but breezy bank holiday weekend decked out in summer clothes (remember that time? Hard, I know, now that it’s not 25 degrees anymore and we’re scrambling for umbrellas). best of all, the long weekend was a chance to see the big Fat Greek family for a marathon feast and even bigger, catch-up.
It was one heck of a nourishing whirlwind that buoyed me up no end. So much so, I returned back to Windsor at midnight but still felt fresh for an early morning wake-up call for GMB, getting my mug on the box, on just 2 hours sleep! I was debating with broadcaster and author Janey Lee Grace, on whether drinking responsibly affects parenting. I say mindful drinking doesn’t! Now, pass the ouzo!
P.S. thanks to Dara Ford for the stunning, bespoke jacket I essentially live in, and Lauren Jobling for styling me as typical (she chose the red shoes below I love too). dress is H&M.
But, back to Easter…
It was so busy, we barely took any photos (always a sign of the best time) but I’ve included the few diamonds below, with my beaut of a family.
My auntie Zafira kindly gave me this floral Zara dress of dreams (I love the billowy sleeves) and the red Dorothy style chunky heels with cute cat faces on the toes, were a gift from Koi Footwear.
My shades are Gucci and my beautiful first cousin Georgia wears a Zara two-piece too with Gucci trainers. (Unknowingly) in sync or what?!
Happy days
…The kids loved seeing their cousins again too, and Oliver,9, is besotted with dogs and babies so divided his time equally between stroking baby Emilios’s feet (aw), and dogs, Milly and Suki’s fur. Emilios is child of my first cousin Stefanos and his partner Yasmin, and stopped crying the minute I held him, bless him, and now, as per my ovaries are in over drive. I would love another baby in the next few years, possibly when I hit 40 if I can (I just need to work on Peter)!
Come on Peter!!!!
When it concerned food, my auntie Loulla who owns award winning Greek taverna Kosmos in Manchester, rustled up a feast for us in no time with lamb for those who eat it (not me as I’m plant-based), and both there and at my aunt Zafira’s, I filled up on naturally vegan bourkouri (Cracked Wheat), Greek salad sans feta, and Cyprus potato chips which were all delicious.
Thanks to Lou, we also left with a tray of conventional Greek custard tart Peter and my kids have slowly eaten (and loved) all week.
I need to try a vegan version!
Love, sun and terrific food-what much more do you need?
…We really love living in Windsor but we miss the family lots. It took 5 hours to get home, but it sure was worth it.
Here I am with my cousin Vasos.
Sunday just gone was Greek Easter (the Greeks follow the Julian calendar, which typically differs from the Gregorian calendar that is used by numerous western countries) and while I expect I fast each day as a vegan, I did break my typical diet on Sunday, not with anything non-vegan but a whole load of dark chocolate (and I imply a load)!
We took it easy, resting at home thanks to the sugar crash, and the young boys decorated porcelain eggs we’d purchased from Sainsbury’s which went well until they both wanted to make the chick egg version on offer, and the pack only included one set of wings, beak etc. Cue bickering and Xander in tears.
My little man emulates everything his big brother Oliver does or has, which I under can be aggravating for my eldest son, but really is sweet when you think about it!…
I soon distracted them with some chocolate but that’s the end of sugar highs for us (for now)!
I’m back on the healthy eating band wagon again, as I’ve packed on 10 pounds over the last few months which should go (I miss my jeans). I’m back to IF (Intermittent Fasting) daily fasting between 9pm and 11 am, and hitting the gym. I’ve also started PT sessions with trainer to the stars (and now, little old me), James Golden.
Wish me luck, I’ll report back soon!
What have you all been up to?
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