HAPPY birthday HOLDEN, THE big six

pleased birthday to my big boy, Holden. Your energy, enthusiasm and zest for life keep on growing. There is so much silliness packed into you that your eyes twinkle with it. I like to describe your sense of humor as very age-appropriate. In this picture, your infectious giggle charmed the socks off your older friend, Julian. Now, it’s your knock-knock jokes and goofy puns.

You are smart too: a whiz at chess and a fiend for all things LEGO. You seem naturally talented at sports, which is lucky, because you hate to be bad at stuff. kindergarten really blew your world and your mind broad open. I have been so happy of you this year to see you read bigger and bigger words and eagerly accept much more responsibility at home (“hey, where’s my laundry helper?”).

You love to know the routine of people and places and hate transitions to new situations. That’s fair, I suppose, but your substantial personality and fearlessness in talking to new people seem to kick in best away (making me wonder why you were ever nervous).

We had hoped to find one ideal summer camp to allow you to get into a groove and feel comfortable. Instead, we were swayed by your numerous interests: sports, science, swimming, and art… and signed you up for far too many. Please forgive us.

You chose on a recent roadtrip that your favorite restaurant is subway because you could talk with the adult cashier and purchase everything your way, down to the number of olives. Parenting a child who knows exactly what he wants and when (and how) isn’t easy, but I’m so happy to see you turn into such a confident little dude. just like in years past, you have planned your own birthday party. This time, angry Birds.

And you are so handsome, I could eat you up. (Right, ladies?)

Looking forward to another fantastic year of adventures with you, my sweet!

GETTING in shape AS A mother OF two

ParentBloggers as well as Ryka shoes are asking the question, “how do you in shape it in?” as well as I objective to answer. right here are my preferred exercises for getting sweaty post-baby:

Running. “Running late” that is, with a infant strapped to my breast or dangling from my person for an additional 17 pounds resistance to develop my over-developed best arm.

Biking. That’s genuine outside fresh air biking or a spin class. Alec commits to staying in with the young boys on Sunday mornings so I can get my trip on. This coming Sunday, I’m doing the trip d’Organics with a girlfriend. Allegedly. We’ll all drive up in the morning on Sunday as well as Alec will satisfy us at rest stops for fresh organic fruit as well as nursing breaks. We’re doing the short one.

Swimming. Swimming was my sport of option when I just had Holden to contend with as well as I can honestly state I’ve only been in the pool when post-Milo. I did the ocean swim part of an Olympic triathlon while nursing a four-month old in the shift area, so it’s a point of fantastic pride for me… even if it’s in the past.

Chasing young children as well as deep breathing. These are my genuine exercises. The ones I do every day.

Baby Bootcamp. I in shape in the genuine class precisely when as well as liked it (despite my own crying as well as my baby’s crying it was great to have an actual trainers as well as caring peers). The picture right here is me as well as Scarlett as well as Milo making up our own guidelines with lunges, jogging stroller, as well as the Bjorn.

Laughing. Is that a sport? It’s most likely the most essential one to make time for amidst the chaos.

10 Decisions You Can Make about Your Induction by Dr Reed

Dr Rachel Reed is a senior lecturer as well as self-control Leader in Midwifery at the university of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. She has provided midwifery care for numerous women in a variety of settings in the united kingdom as well as Australia. Rachel’s PhD explored women’s experience of birth as well as midwifery method during birth. She is a writer as well as presenter, as well as is the author of the MidwifeThinking blog site. Rachel is originally from the North of England however now lives in the forest in Queensland Australia. Her new book Why Induction matters is published by Pinter & Martin in September 2018.

Over to Rachel:

10 decisions you can make about your induction

Having your labour induced can be a positive as well as empowering experience. The induction process includes three stages. The very first two stages, ripening the cervix, as well as breaking the waters, aim to prepare your body for induced contractions. The third stage of induction stimulates uterine contractions utilizing syntocinon (IV medication). Within this process there are a number of decision you can make about exactly how your induction is brought out.

The very first step in the induction process is to ripen the cervix to ensure that it will open in response to contractions. This can be done utilizing medication (prostin) inserted into your vagina, or a balloon gadget put in your cervix. depending upon exactly how close to labour your body already is, this process can take many hours, or sometimes days.


How do you want to organise your support person/s?

Do you want a different support person for this phase of the process, or the exact same one as you plan to have with you during labour. If you are staying in hospital overnight will this person be able to stay with you, or will they go home? If they go house when would you like them to return?


What are your preferences for comfort measures as well as pain relief?

Most women experience some pain as well as discomfort during this phase. What are your preferences for pain relief, for example, hot-packs, warm shower, pain medications such as paracetamol?

Once your cervix is ripe as well as has opened a little, the next step in the induction process is to break your waters. This removes the fluid from around the infant making induced contractions more effective. Some women will go into labour themselves within hours of this procedure.


After your waters are damaged do you want to wait as well as see if you begin contracting spontaneously?

If you want to wait, exactly how long will you wait? What will you do while you wait? walking can assist the baby’s head move down as well as press on the cervix which may begin contractions.

If you don’t go into labour after having your waters broken, contractions will be induced utilizing syntocinon, a medication that is provided via a drip into your vein. before starting this drip an intravenous cannula (IVC)  needs to be put into your vein.


Where do you want your IVC placed?

It is finest to have your IVC put into an area that does not inhibit the motion of your hand or catch on things as you move around. You can request that it is put into your least dominant arm. putting the IVC in the top of your forearm, near your wrist (where a watch is worn) enables you to move your hand quickly without discomfort.


What is your approach to pain management?

Induced contractions are generally more agonizing than spontaneous contractions. Do you understand about your choices for pain relief? Do you want to begin without any pain relief, or the least strong method, as well as move on to stronger techniques if as well as when you requirement them? An epidural is the only technique that can totally eliminate pain during labour. If you understand you want an epidural, do you want it set up as well as working before the syntocinonis started?


What are your preferences for tracking of baby’s heartrate?

Continuous cardiotocograph (CTG) tracking is suggested during an induction since of the prospective dangers of syntocinon induced contractionsfor baby.However, there are choices for you to think about about monitoring. If the hospital has cordless, water resistant CTG, you may be able to utilize it in the shower or bath. If the screen offered needs you to be linked to cords, you will still be able to stand up as well as move around next to the monitor. Also, think about if you want the screen noise turned down to prevent being distracted by it. Or will you be reassured by hearing your baby’s heart rate? Do you want every heart rate pattern modification explained, or do you only want to understand if there is a concern?


What are your preferences about vaginal examinations?

Vaginal examinations can verify whether syntocinon is efficient in opening the cervix. However, you can still decline vaginal examinations if you wish. You may choose to only have a vaginal examination if the infant is not born after a specific timeframe. Or, if there are any type of concerns about development or wellbeing. You can likewise make options about exactly how a vaginal examination is brought out, for example, whether you want your care supplier to explain what they discover as they do the examination, or to wait up until they have completed as well as you are comfortable. You may likewise select not to be to be told specifics (eg. centimetres dilated), however rather be told whether you are progressing well, or not.


How do you want to be supported while pushing your infant out?

Pushing that is directed by your care supplier boosts the possibility that your infant will ended up being distressed, as well as boosts your possibility of perineal tearing.You can ask you care supplier not to direct pushing as well as support you to comply with your own bodily urges. If you have an epidural you may desire to have it turned down to ensure that you can feel some pushing urges. However, this is not necessary since infants can be born without any type of pushing as the uterus moves the infant down with each contraction. If you do want some direction to help you to push with an epidural, waiting up until the infant is low sufficient in your vagina to be able to see the top of his/her head before pushing reduces the dangers of directed pushing.


Choosing a birth position

Consider birth positions that boost the size of your pelvis as well as reduce the pressure as well as stretch in your perineum, for example, kneeling on all fours or lying on your side. prevent a semi-reclined birth setting since it boosts the possibility of tearing.If you have an epidural you may requirement some assistance to get into a great birth position.

After the birth of your infant you will be provided an additional boost of syntocinon to assist the placenta detach, as well as reduce the possibility of you bleeding.


When do you want your baby’s umbilical cord to be clamped as well as cut?

The transfer of baby’s blood from the placenta usually takes around three minutes. You can request that the cord is only cut after it has stopped pulsing as well as is totally white (empty). You can likewise request the additional syntocinon to be provided after the cord has stopped pulsing to ensure that it does not transfer with the placenta to the baby.


Find out More

Why Induction matters by Rachel Reed is published by Pinter & Martin £7.99. Induction of Labour: balancing dangers as well as Induction of Labour: A step by step guide are both offered from midwifethinking.com.

Twitter: @MidwifeThinking




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CATCHING UP WITH mommy project SD {ROOKIE moms challenge QUEEN}

new mom, Kristin Helms, has been knocking it out of the park with her adventures around San Diego with baby Blake. When we first introduced Kristin, she had already completed six rookie moms challenges. I’m excited to report that she’s tackled more and she’s become the local ambassador for San Diego Moms’ night Out.

Since she nervously joined her first group of stranger-mommies for lunch (and then realized it was the wrong day and did it all again the next week), we’ve been so excited to watch her progress.

As she heads toward her first Mother’s Day, we’re raising our BPA-free sippy cups high in her honor. Yay, Kristin!

Kristin’s recent baby-and-mama adventures include:

Plan a Moms’ night Out: Kristin bravely invited her different circles of mom friends and put on her heels for a night of wine and tapas. The fuzzy photo shows they must’ve been having a blast.

Go out for just Dessert: You can almost taste the cute at this little cupcake shop! Is that a thing? Well, it is now.

Tackle baby Rhyme Time at the library: The contradiction between quiet library and boisterous babies is alive and well in San Diego.

Paint your baby’s feet onto pottery: A manageable amount of chaos to create a treasured keepsake at A colorful Universe. worth it!

I hope you’re enjoying seeing Kristin take on our #rookiemoms challenges as much as we are. Please let us know if you’re doing them, too! You can tag us on instagram or hashtag us anywhere as #rookiemoms.

[Photos provided by Kristin Helms from mommy project SD all rights reserved]