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Share to The American Heart Association, much more than one in three female adults has some form of cardiovascular disease. because 1984, the number of CVD deaths for females has exceeded those for males. In 2008, CVD was the cause of death in 419,730 females. females represent 51.7% of deaths from CVD. In the us in 2008, all CVDs combined claimed the lives of 419,730 females while all forms of cancer combined killed 270,210 females. breast cancer claimed the lives of 40,589 females; lung cancer claimed 70,070. The 2008 death rate from CVD was 244.8. death rates were 200.5 for white females and 277.4 for black females. In 2009, CVD was the first noted diagnosis of 2.9 million females discharged from short-stay hospitals. These statistics are shocking. many women forget to speak with their doctor about heart disease.
Every February we are encouraged to wear red to spread awareness for women’s heart health. This year, Healthgrades, Inc, a company dedicated to helping consumers make informed choices about America’s healthcare providers, has teamed up with the American Heart association in February to help increase awareness about heart health and to encourage people to speak with their doctors about their heart.
Healthgrades, Inc has an application on their facebook page for you to pledge that you will speak with your doctor about cardiovascular disease this February. for every pledge received, Healthgrades will donate $1 to the American Heart Association. and each person who takes our pledge will be entered to win one of a variety of heart healthy products recommended by the American Heart association including a slow-cooker cookbook, a pedometer and a Go Red for women water bottle. visit the Healthgrades facebook page today and fill out their pledge.
Healthgrades is also giving away a special giveaway package to one healthy mothers magazine reader. This prize pack includes: a Slow-Cooker Cookbook, AHA Go Red for women water bottle and an AHA-recommended pedometer. All you need to do is take the Healthgrades pledge on their facebook page and leave us a comment to enter. This contest is open to us residents 18+ and ends on February 25, 2013.
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For every entry including extra entries please leave a separate comment. Winners will be chosen randomly from the comments and e mails that I receive. The contest ends on Feb 25, 2013 at 8am PST and is open to anybody in the us 18+. Please leave your e mail address in your comments. All comments without e mail addresses will be disqualified.
Cascia Talbert is a busy blogger, publisher, freelance writer, online merchant and mother of five children, living in Spokane, WA. With a B.A. in history and law and a passion for writing and staying healthy, she started The healthy mothers magazine in 2007. The healthy mothers magazine is currently ranked the top health blog for mothers and features several health expert writers and mother bloggers. Ms. Talbert believes that if mothers are well educated on health issues and how to stay healthy, they can pass that information down to their children and reverse thechildhood obesity statistics in the U.S.
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Ms. Talbert is a featured health blogger at and her articles can also be found on She also runs the healthy mothers social network on Ning, is the chief marketing officer for Talbert Nutrition LLC, and is on the social media Advisory Board for America’s wellness Challenge. follow her on Google+.
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