Our pal and once-rookie mom Kristen Chase, aka The Mominatrix, has challenged moms across the nation to participate in a 30-day program during which we’ll have one new task per day, all aimed to improve your sex life and self confidence.
Tomorrow’s challenge? wear a thong. and make sure your partner knows it.
I think I can do this.
The Mominatrix assures us:
If you’re worried that you’ll be required to swing from a trapeze or have sex standing on your head, then you’ve got the wrong idea. While circus skills and flexibility can definitely enhance your sex life, this challenge is going to focus on you feeling sexier, not on a possible second career option.
I am excited to have The Mominatrix coach me through this adventure: 30 sex-related tasks in one month. I took a sneak peek at her book The Mominatrix’s guide To Sex and trust that she is the right woman for the job. Plus, who doesn’t want a resolution that encourages the purchase of lacy bra rather than a sports bra?
Moms who just gave birth (Sex? OUCH!), The Mominatrix has been there. three times. She will help you get back in the saddle. (Oh god, did I just write that?) Or back on the horse. (Seriously?)
So make this January the one that starts off with a bang. We’re in! Are you with us?
Follow along at The Mominatrix Blog.