Do you know what I dislike the most about being a parent? getting everyone out the door in the morning. There are so numerous things to think about breakfast, teeth brushing, lunches, getting everything in backpacks, and in some cases even triple-checking that your 12-year-old did in fact put clean underwear on today. Of course, we want our kids to be clean and have everything they need before we send them out the door, but I also want to instill responsibility and a strong sense of self-care in my kiddos. I’ve started repeating these 15 essential phrases to my kids that speed up our morning routine and help them get out the door. After all, I think we could all use a little extra encouragement in the morning.
Speed up your morning routine with kids with these 15 phrases!
“Give every day the chance to be the most beautiful day of your life.” mark Twain
“Your day is pretty much formed by how you spend your first hour. check your thoughts, attitude, and heart.”
“One kind word can change someone’s entire day.”
“Lose an hour in the morning and you will spend all day searching for it.”
“It’s a good day to have a good day!”
“Wake up with purpose.”
“Lovely days don’t just come to you, you ought to walk to them.”
“Start every day with an attitude of gratitude!”
“Set a goal that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning.” (we say this in the morning, but it is also a great one to remind your kiddos of before bed)
“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” Buddha
“Be the best version of yourself.”
“Good vibes only.” (super simple, but it’s my way of squashing any bickering or negativity which slow everything down)
“Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.” J.K. Rowling
“Only surround yourself with people who will lift you higher.” Oprah Winfrey
“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” Dr. Seuss
How We recognized a morning Routine
Above, I discussed that mornings are one of my least favorite things about parenting. However, recently I chose we all needed to get out the door on a better foot. Of course, the 15 phrases above certainly helped to speed up the morning routine but I started implementing some real guidelines for the kids as well. below you will find some of the things we do around here to have a better morning.
Stricter Bedtimes
Huh, who would have thought getting much more sleep would make for easy mornings? I know so numerous of you are probably thinking DUH. Here’s the thing though, we did have set bedtimes before. They just varied a little bit and flexed depending on what our day looked like. We have made it a goal to be way much more consistent with bedtime and implemented a nighttime routine as well to help with this.
This new strict bedtime applies to mother & father as well. rather than staying up late, try to wake up a little earlier. You might need some of the 15 phrases above to help speed up your own morning routine at first, but eventually, it will become a habit. I found that I am not very productive when I stay up too long after the kids go to bed anyways. I just view TV or scroll through my phone. However, when I wake up early I can actually get some things done, like throwing in the laundry or cleaning up. Also, you can make your coffee and maybe even get a bite to eat before the kids are awake. It will make your own morning feel so much less chaotic.
Making Breakfast
I had to let go of the idea of being this ideal mother who got up every morning and made breakfast for the kids. To be honest, it wasn’t really working out how I imagined it anyways and was adding a lot of stress. now I am pre-making breakfasts like egg bites and letting the kids have a lot much more freedom in what they get to eat in the morning. I will even occasionally stock up on things like Pop-Tart Bites, which is one way to put a smile on all the kiddos’ faces!
I printed out a sheet with options for what they can make themselves, things like avocado toast or microwavable breakfast burritos. For the older kiddos, I noted out what they need to make certain smoothies or acai bowls and they have done great with making them for themselves!
Packing Lunches
Do it the night before! stop scrolling through Instagram and give yourself 30 minutes to put lunches together. You will thank yourself in the morning. Here’s an short article that might just make you feel a little better about the lunches you pack!
If you have elementary-aged kiddos, have them help you as well. It is good to instruct them what goes into making their lunch and you can help them learn healthy practices along the way.
Picking an Outfit
Who knew a 5-year-old could be so picky about their outfit? Whether you choose the clothes or your little one picks out their own outfit, concerning an agreement of what they will wear the night before works out so nicely. Then, you can have it all laid out and ready for them to get andput on in the morning without questions.
Parenting has taught me that checklists are a necessity. turns out having checklists for the morning routine completely changed how we operate. best of all, I don’t feel like I am repeating myself every single day anymore because I can just tell them to read the checklist. I’ve printed these out and put them in the restroom and by the door as reminders.
Morning routine checklist Example
Brush Teeth
Wash Face
Do Your Hair
Get dressed in the clothes Laid Out for You
Eat breakfast (You Can Make yourself Anything from the breakfast List)
Get school supplies ready To Go
Put Your Lunch in Your Backpack
Put on Shoes
Invest in Some Cubbies
These don’t have to be something that stays in your home forever, but while you have young children it is really good to have a go-to spot for all things school-related. even if you don’t want to do cubbies, have a designated spot for each child. They can keep their shoes, backpack, lunchbox, and anything else they need for school each day in one spot.
These cubbies are a great spot to post some of the 15 phrases that you have picked out to speed up your morning routine! I love these cubbies from Kohl’s because they are easy but have all the space your kiddo needs.
Weekend morning Routines
Obviously, you ought to all unwind on the weekends but try to keep a similar morning routine. This will help avoid Monday morning from feeling so hard and eliminate having to readjust every week. You can relocation wake-up times back and switch things up to make a good breakfast, but make sure everyone still completes everything on the typical checklist.
With these 15 phrases to speed up your morning routine and some suggestions for yours truly, I hope you are able to find your ideal morning routine for your kids and leave the house a little happier. Every mama is worthy of to have a calm, smoothly run morning.
If you have any suggestions or tricks that help your family in the morning, please share them in the comments! We would love to hear from you.
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